Hedgefolk are the equivalent of pagans in Warhammer Fantasy. Worshippers of The Old Faith, their Wise Ones practice a type of "Natural Magic" which is naturally emitted from the world of Mallus itself, and as such, whilst weaker than the Winds of Magic, lacks the threat of corruption from Chaos that the practitioners of the Winds of Magic face. As such, the Colleges of Magic despise them for their safety from possession, whilst at the same time the Jade College tried to steal their secrets. One of their Wise Ones actually infiltrated the Jade College and became College head. Meanwhile, due to the Hedgefolk having not sent aid to the Empire during the Great War Against Chaos, mainly due to Teclis' misidentification of Magic to keep humans weaker than elves, the Empire has doubled down on persecution of Hedgefolk, hunting their Wise Ones and punishing them whenever possible for any slights real or, more often, imagined.