The Ultimate Necron Cheese List
That Guy has been scheming, and he decided one bullshit-cheesy flyer list wasn't enough. So he made another. Yay.
Da List
Undead Metallic Rape Train (2,000 points)
- Imotek the Stormlord
- Retinue: 1 Chronometron Cryptek
- Night Scythe w/5 Necron Warriors
- Night Scythe w/5 Necron Warriors + Voltaic Cryptek
- Night Scythe w/10 Necron Warriors + Voltaic Cryptek
- Night Scythe w/10 Necron Warriors + Voltaic Cryptek
- Night Scythe w/10 Necron Warriors + Voltaic Cryptek
- Doom Scythe
- Doom Scythe
- Doom Scythe
- Imperial Bastion w/ Comms Relay
You'd think placing over 1800 points into flyers is a bad idea, because your opponent can kill Imotek and his Cryptek on turn 1 and win instantly before the flyers show up. Well, here's the final layer of cheese, and the dirty trick you saved that Bastion for:
Place Imotek in the corner of the board and block him off with the Imperial Bastion. Due to the rules, your enemy is NOT allowed to shoot at an unoccupied building. Imotek is now practically invincible; barring a million-to-one Orbital Bombardment roll, it's impossible for your opponent to kill your ground Necrons. So yeah, those flyers are coming in whether he likes it or not, and with NINE twin-linked tesla destructors and three death rays raining down on him there's not enough lube in the world to prepare the anuses of his poor little army.
Thank the Emperor for that 18 Hydra Autocannon list.