Asdrubael Vect
Asdrubael Vect is the biggest troll to ever walk the 40k universe. He is also a sick fuck.
Vect is the big daddy of Commerragh and spends most of his time plotting how to troll people hundreds of years in the future. Some people even go so far as to say that the Fall was just one big practical joke on his part. Basically, he does it for the lulz.
He's also one really old son of a bitch. Apparently older than a FUCKING GOD! He gives Eldrad Ulthran penis envy.
Being a Prick
Asdrubael Vect is bigger than a dick, he's a prick. He brings things to an unprecedented level of dickishness that allow him to steeple his fingers and cackle "Just As Planned!" while, simultaneously having his cock sucked by his lesbian sex slaves.
In fact the only reason he has managed to last this long is because no one has ever been able to out-prick him. And, considering Commerragh is a place where rape is a funny pasttime, that's fucking saying something!