The Ork Mega-Dread is a very large walker vehicle. This monstrosity of a walker is to Deff Dreds and Killa Kans in the same way the Contemptor Dreadnought and its offshoots are to Space Marine Dreadnoughts. Thus these things are actually rare, since constructing one requires a Mekboy of both uncommon talent, and high levels of Orkishness, so a Guardsman won't be seeing one on every battlefield (nevermind that a Guardsman won't be seeing many battlefields).
Mega-Dreads are simply more mobile alternatives to Ork Stompas due to having incredible hydraulic power and a compact frame for something of its size and construction. Due to their complexity, Mega-Dread pilots have a whole array of sophisticated (for Orks) implants rammed up their heads in order to use the unique hybrid system that allows them to manoeuvre these oversized tin cans. Combine it with Kill Kannons, claws, a gamut of other high caliber guns and their durability, the Mega-Dreads become something every Warboss would go bankrupt on teef for to acquire for themselves.
An alternative version of these are the Meka-Dreads. An even more advanced version of the Mega-Dread that has a Mekboy piloting it instead of a normal Ork, Meka-Dreads include a unique kontrol system and swaps its Big Shootas for giant servos that it uses for fixing vehicles.
A Meka-Dread. Stompy, shooty, custom, and can fix a Trukk. What more do you need?