Contemplatives of Ashok are giant psychic floating brains with tiny vestigial bodies native to Pathfinder's Mars equivalent, Akiton. They first appeared in Distant Worlds. Starfinder gave them PC stats.
Starfinder PC Stats
Ability Adjustments: +4 Iny, +2 Cha, -2 Str, -2 Con
Hit Points: 2
Size and Type: Medium monstrous humanoid
Applied Knowledge: Once per day before attempting a skill check or saving throw against a creature, a contemplative can use its bonus for the skill associated with that creature’s type (such as Life Science for an ooze or Mysticism for an outsider) in place of its normal bonus.
Atrophied: A contemplative’s limbs are practically vestigial. A contemplative can manipulate most tools and one-handed weapons (including small arms) without difficulty. A contemplative can’t properly wield a two-handed weapon without dedicating its telekinetic powers to supporting the weapon, and even then it takes a –4 penalty to attack rolls. It also can’t use its spell-like abilities or fly until it is no longer wielding that weapon.
Psychic Flight: Contemplatives fly supernaturally at a speed of 30 feet with average, but their base speed is only 5 feet.
Psychic Senses: Contemplatives have blindsense (thought) out to 30 feet and darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Limited Telepathy 30 feet.