This is Lord Licorice's game page for his Eclipse Phase campaigns and one-shots.
Get Your Ass to Mars
Next session: Monday, April 26 at 10pm EST
Add new characters here (remember to use ==== charname ==== headers) and links to character sheets.
- Sofaggot's faggot faggot. Thinks he's invulnerable. Gentle giant, persuasive proponent of posthumanity.
- Gorbash's SpecOps Fury-sleeved War Criminal
- CrazyPenguin's scientist/doctor Dragonfly AGI
Sharon Kane
- Contagonist's Information Warfare Specialist/Investigator. Is currently a Tachikoma.
Rosey "Rivet" MacDougal
- Ranbar's Argonaut Olympian; all around gearhead, handiperson, and one woman construction crew.
Ben Kaye
- Supernova's Demolition Specialist and Pilot. Suited to living in Space! Why not?
Sigmund Reed
- Ruler's Neo-Avian professor with a laser eye and a suit, whats not to love?
- Sneaky, psionic member of the Lost Generation, working as a professional Gatecrasher and scientist.
Ranger Lowell
- Gorbash's Clint Eastwood inspired Martian Ranger (backup character)
- CrazyPenguin's slightly insane Lost, an artist and an assassin.