Campaign:Changeling-The DERPing/Kith

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This is a list of Kith, for reference. Additionally, there are houserules.

Why this List

Simple. There was a lot of splatbloat in Changeling: The Dreaming, with tons and tons of Kith for everything. Needless to say, it got rather messy. So taking a page from the (Generally superior) Changeling: The Lost, there's more customization being added to this game. Some merits will let you dual-kith, or take merits traditionally associated with one Kith. Also, because there was never a Revised edition of Changeling: The Dreaming, it resulted in a lot of inconsistency with a lot of powers (That, and other Revised games eliminated merits based off Experience Point gains or cost-reduction).

Also, a the individual Kith were very restrictive in design. As an example, if you were a Nocker, chances are you were Yiddish-swearing Gadgeteer with an aversion to sunlight or decent fashion. One-dimensional stereotypes abounded. Plus, there were those oh-so-annoying Kith that fishmalks tended to gravitate towards (*cough* Pooka *cough*).

A list of Kith

Boggans are formed from dreams of hearth and home. They tend to be personifications of good hosting/stewardship, and an honorable work ethic. However,









The Thallain

Thallain are corrupted fae souls. Many dreams held have their nightmarish counterparts. As an example, take the Nocker and their personification of technological progress. While the future technology can bring hope and wonder, as works like From The Earth to the Moon attest, they also bring new and more nightmarish ways to kill and destroy social order. World War 1, originally predicted to be a gentleman's war with minimal casualties, became a bloody testing ground for new and frightening contraptions, poison gas, etc.

While they are Changelings in the way Sidhe are, they are not protected by the Escheat. Of course, with Concordia in flames, this matters little nowadays, though the remnants of the Knights of the Red Branch do their part to exterminate them with extreme prejudice.

External Links

Changeling: The Derping