Strike Witches
Strike Witches is an anime set in the grim darkness of alternate reality 1944, where women will not be allowed to wear trousers. The story follows the exploits of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, consisting of a multinational team of 10% furry teenage witches based on real-life WWII aces except with tits and magical flying aeroplane legs. They are the linchpin of the British Britannian defence against aliens who blew up France Gallia and now occupy most of mainland Europe. I'm not even joking. They spend most of the time they aren't fighting against the Neuroi invaders in a military installation on an island a few miles off the coast of France, where they have training sessions, hot baths, sleep in each other's beds and generally be as non-explicitly gay as possible while magical censor steam covers up everything interesting, at least until the DVDs are out.
It is notable for being one of the primary inspirations of the homebrew game Dive into the Sky, which gives us a good excuse to have a gallery full of porn of it, or it would if uploading images wasn't boring as hell. gb2/gelbooru/
Eila, of
FinlandSuomus -
Sanya, of
RussiaOrussia -
Erica, of
GermanyKarlsland -
Minna, also a Nazi
Gertrud, tsundere Nazi
Lynette, Britannian with boobs
Francesca, Italian oppai-hunter loli
Mio, of
Japanthe Fuso Empire -
Yoshika, thinking about tits (this happens a lot)
Perrine, frog
Charlotte, the American, and therefore the one with the biggest tits
This is from the actual show.
Look, no hands!
This is an unauthorised use of the flight hangar young ladies
Sanya is so tired she can't even figure out why her panties are moving by themselves