Angel: Jegudiel
Version: 2.5
Name: Jegudiel - Glorifier Of God
Description: Bipedal Humanoid, scarily reminiscent of an unarmoured EVA. Is notably cyclopic, and makes noises which can only be described as inhuman.
Order: Warrior Angel
Choir: [NO CHOIR]
Difficulty: Easy (CR:0)
Body Type: Humanoid
Locomotion: Bipedal
Size: Average
Statistics | WS | BS | Str | T | Ag | Int | Per | WP | Fel | LS |
80 | 30 | 50 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 50 |
Body Location | % to hit | AP | Wounds |
Head | 01-10 | 8 | 3 |
Right Arm | 11-20 | 4 | 6 |
Left Arm | 21-30 | 4 | 6 |
Core | 31-40 | 8 | 9 |
Body | 41-70 | 8 | 12 |
Right Leg | 71-85 | 4 | 6 |
Left Leg | 86-00 | 4 | 6 |
Angel: 1 Fate Point, may burn to regen 1d10+3 Wounds
Beatdown: As the Crushing Blow and Takedown traits in Dark Heresy
Weak Border: Half value of ATS for purposes of Deflection
Melee Attack Name | Damage | Penetration | Type | Effect | Effect Details |
Arm Ram | 1d10+10 | 1 | Impact | Antimatter | Ignores enemy TB for purposes of Damage Reduction |
AT Powers: Deflective Field, Float
Skills: Dodge, Intimidate, Climb Proficient
Fear Rating (1)
10 Dam Angelic Senses
1 reroll per combat
Strategy: Jegudiel is intended to be a straight-forward Warrior angel - something simple for a first fight. Massive damage up close and personal, but with virtually nothing it can do at range. Make sure the science teams helping out the OD/pilots make a big show out of the energy readings given off by the bursts of anti-matter around the arms during it's attacks, and the weakening of it's AT energy reading as it Floats towards targets. As long as the EVAs don't keep engaging it one-on-one in CC, they should be able to bring it down. Peppering it with fire-power while the AT field is neutralised/down after Floating is unlikely to dent the body, core or head, but crippling any of the limbs will massively diminish its combat potential, leaving it much weaker (or even helpless) once they do close to CC. Alternatively, immediately attacking it simultaneously with three or more Prog.Knife wielding EVAs should take it apart quickly, even if it incurs horrendous damage to the EVAs as a result.