Campaign:Changeling-The DERPing/Spellcasting
Here are the general spellcasting rules
I cast...Magic Missile
List of Arts
List of Realms
Realm of Actor
Realm of Effects: This Art replaces the “Fae” realm. Ephemera covers intangible things, such as audience emotions, magic in general, and other abstract concepts which don’t fall under other Realm.
Level Description:
o - Affects the ongoing Cantrip effects of other fae.
oo - Affects Redes, Birthrights, or other fae magic and powers.
ooo - Affects all magic produced by non-fae entities.
oooo - Affects Dreaming related unusual phenomena (the Mists, Firchlis, etc.).
ooooo - Affects Umbral phenomena, also affects concepts (ie. “freedom”, “love”, etc.)
Realm of Cue
Realm of Stage